Read about all of the progress and the research that has occurred at the Foundation over the course of the past year, and a retrospective on the past 26! View the newsletter as a printable pdf View the list of previous newsletters Stem Cells For EveryBody Twenty-Six Years of Progress Founded in 1996 to conduct…
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Read about all of the progress and the research that has occurred at the Foundation over the course of the past year, and a retrospective on the past 25! BSCRF-Newsletter-21 final View the list of previous newsletters Stem Cells For EveryBody Twenty-Five Years of Progress Founded in 1996 to conduct research that cannot be funded…
Read More›The Activated Egg Symposium 2019 brought together thought leaders in circadian rhythms, human egg parthenogenesis, human-animal chimeras for disease research and drug modeling, and the ethics of gene editing human embryos. It was an extraordinarily successful gathering with both speakers and attendees taking away new, important information.
Read More›Read about all of the progress and the research that has occurred at the Foundation over the course of the past year. Unfertilized eggs can be activated artificially (parthenogenesis) to undergo cell multiplications similar to fertilized eggs, but do not give rise to offspring. At the time of activation, a protein responsible for tissue rejection can be silenced by gene editing.
Read More›Our goal for 2017 was to improve the efficiency of a new technology, “gene editing” by CRISPR, that can precisely edit genes in eggs activated to become stem cells. BRF scientists accomplished this goal in a mouse model by developing new methods that improve the efficiency of CRISPR gene editing in mouse eggs.
The latest newsletter include a chronicle of our milestones over the past 20 years, news about our stem cell program with gene editing, Universal Mouse Model Stem Cell Resistant To HIV Infection, our prostate disease research, a new staff member, a new board member and more exciting new growth at our Bedford office.
The past decade of discoveries by BRF scientists provide the ground work for the new research initiative. Parthenote stem cells have the potential to develop into all the types of cells needed for therapies: neurons, heart muscle, insulin-producing cells, bone marrow and cartilage cells.
Bedford Research scientists are following up on their discovery that stem cells have a circadian rhythm that may need to be supported for optimum development in the laboratory. In the body, the daily pattern of light and dark controls many signals sent out by the brain, such as those that trigger changes in body temperature, and feelings of hunger and sleepiness.
The astounding 2013 report by an Oregon research team of the successful creation of stem cells from a somatic cell nucleus transferred into an unfertilized human egg was met with surprising calm by the lay press and the bioethics community.
Since 2008, the Spinal Cord Workshop has brought together international leaders in surgery and basic science to debate and develop a list of the challenges to cures for spinal cord injury. The goal of the workshop is to develop a “white paper,” listing the obstacles.