“Despite the now widely recognized importance of circadian rhythms in health , Bedford may be the only research organization exploring the importance of this fundamental regulatory process in early mammalian development.”
– Dr. Fred Davis,
Northeastern University
Bedford Research scientists are following up on their discovery that stem cells have a circadian rhythm that may need to be supported for optimum development in the laboratory.
In the body, the daily pattern of light and dark controls many signals sent out by the brain, such as those that trigger changes in body temperature, and feelings of hunger and sleepiness.
Stem cells may especially need circadian signals to differentiate into specific cell types, such as neurons or bone marrow — but what type of signal should they receive in the laboratory? And what frequency? There is growing evidence that each type of cell needs a different circadian signal.
To answer this question, Bedford Research scientists have taken advantage of a genetically engineered mouse that has the firefly “glow” gene (Luciferase) attached to one of the circadian rhythm genes (the “Period 2” gene). Tissues in this PerLuc mouse “glow” when Period 2 is active.
Bedford Research scientists are currently gathering data, videos and images to document the patterns of circadian rhythms in cell development.
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