Dr. Lawitts demonstration

Dr. Lawitts demonstrates injection of mouse eggs.

A few weeks ago, Bedford Research Foundation hosted two open houses celebrating the foundation’s move to it’s new research facility at 124 South Road in Bedford, MA. The first event was geared toward local businesses and had over 30 attendees including companies from Bedford, surrounding communities, and local residents. The second event on Saturday, May 1st was open to the public and was attended by more than 60 residents and friends of the foundation. Senator Mike Barrett, Representative Ken Gordon, and Bedford Research Foundation Director Dr. Ann Kiessling cut the ribbon on BRF’s new research facility. Barrett and Gordon expressed excitement at seeing the foundation finally “come home” to Bedford after more than 15 years in Somerville.

Both events also provided a significant amount of visibility for the foundation, including coverage by local media outlets like The Boston Globe and The Bedford Minuteman. We at BRF are excited to share these articles with you here:

Bedford Research Foundation opens new stem cell research facility (wickedlocal.com)

Bedford Research Foundation Opens Its New Research Facility to the Public (thebedfordcitizen.com)

INFORMER: Noodles, theater, research, and a seed library (The Boston Globe)

Bedford Research Foundation comes home to Bedford (patch.com)

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