2005 Symposium

The Activated Egg 2005

The 2005 Activated Egg Symposium was held on November 4th at The Henderson House. Thank you to all the participants for making it a wonderful success!

Anne_Laura_Dorinthea_McLarenThe 2005 Keynote Speaker:

Dr. Anne McLaren of the Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute of the University of Cambridge. www.gurdon.cam.ac.uk/groups/mclaren.html

Professor Anne McLaren was arguably the most accomplished developmental biologist in the world at this time. We were honored that she delivered the 2005 Symposium Keynote: “Human Eggs: Why do we need them? How do we get them?” View Dr. McLaren’s talk.

Dr. McLaren’s presentation was joined by:

• Dr. Stephen Sullivan, Harvard University
• Dr. Tom Ducibella, Tufts School of Medicine
• Dr. Jim Robl, Hematech Corporation
• Dr. Carol Brenner, talk entitled: “Challenges and Promises of Primate Embryonic Stem Cell Research”
• Dr. David Battaglia, talk entitled: “Eggs, Sugar and Ice: Recipe for Fertility Preservation” View Dr. Battaglia’s talk
• Dr. Daniel Wikler, Harvard University School of Public Health

The speakers were also joined by:

 Senator Cynthia Stone Creem discussed her position on Stem Cell Research in Massachusetts. D – MA (Middlesex and Norfolk 1)

Senator Creem co-sponsored with Senator Travaglini a bill to support pluripotent stem cell research in Massachusetts which passed 35 to 2. The bill was vetoed by Governor Mitch Romney, but his veto was overturned by a two-thirds majority vote. The bill defines and supports parthenote, somatic cell nuclear transplant, and embryonic stem cell research and outlaws cloning a human being. View Senator Creem’s Talk .

Senator Creem serves on the following committees:

• Public Health (Chair)
• Revenue (Chair)
• Bonding, Capital Expenditures & State Assets
• Economic Development & Emerging Technologies
• The Judiciary
• Telecommunication, Utilities & Energy

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