2013 Symposium

FRIDAY, NOV 8, 2013

Thank you for another wonderful year to all those who joined us in person and to the over a dozen countries who tuned in online!

stem cell research conference 2013

New location! The Conference Center at Waltham Woods has plenty of parking and is accessible via the T.

Dr. Mario Capecchi

Dr. Mario Capecchi was the keynote at the tenth annual Symposium with a talk titled, “Gene Targeting into the 21st Century: Mouse Models of Human Disease from Cancer to Neuropsychiatric Disorders.” Dr. Capecchi is a Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics & Biology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, as well as a 2007 Nobel Laureate for Physiology & Medicine.

Dr. Capecchi is best known for his pioneering work on the development of “gene targeting” in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. The power of this technology is that the investigator chooses both which gene to mutate and how to mutate it. This allows scientists to evaluate in detail the function of any gene during the development or post-developmental phase of the mouse.

“Gene Targeting into the 21st Century: Mouse Models of Human Disease from Cancer to Neuropsychiatric Disorders.”

Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics & Biology at the U. of Utah School of Medicine, an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, as well as a 2007 Nobel Laureate for Physiology & Medicine.






Rudolf Jaenisch, PhD

Professor of Biology, MIT
Whitehead Institute Founding Member







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Treena Livingston Arinzeh, PhD

Professor and Director of the Graduate Program, Biomedical Engineering Dept. at New Jersey Institute of Technology”Biomaterials for Stem Cell Tissue Engineering.”








Jose Cibelli, DVM, PhD

Professor, Michigan State University, Director of the Cellular Reprogramming Laboratory in the Depts of Animal Science and Physiology “Modeling Reprogramming Using Zebrafish Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.”

battagliaDavid Battaglia, PhD,HCLD

Director of the Embryology / Andrology Laboratory at Oregon Health & Science University

“Human Egg Donation for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: The Oregon Perspective.”


David DiGiusto, PhD



David DiGiusto, PhD

City of Hope Department of Virology, and Beckman Research Institute

“Ex Vivo Engineering of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Gene Therapy Towards a Cure for AIDS.”




Ken Livak



Ken Livak, PhD

Senior Scientific Fellow at Fluidigm and Alliance Manager with the Single-Cell Genomics Center at Broad Institute.

“Driving Genomics to the Single-Cell Level.”










Kimberly Tremblay, PhD

Associate Professor Veterinary and Animal Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

“Understanding liver development; embryonic origins and bud formation.”







Gordon Carmichael


Gordon G. Carmichael, PhD

Professor, Genetics and Developmental Biology, UConn Health Center

“Innate immunity in stem cells.”




Download the flier here.

Not able to come in person? Joined us on the live video webcast, along with a live forum for questions. Viewers in other time zones was able to start the talks on a delay.

November 8, 2013
Registration: 8:30 AM EST, talks started at 9 AM EST